Legal information


Fiberjungle is a registered trademark of Fiberjungle® CORP (Fiberjungle AG) and may not be used in the applied product groups without their written permission. (Trademark number: 731080, SwissReg)


Fiberjungle CORP (Fiberjungle AG) does not guarantee that the functions and 3D representations on the website are error-free and that the website and the respective server are free of viruses or harmful components. We assume no liability for damages and consequential damages resulting from access to the elements of the website or their use.
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the correctness of the information published on this website. The information and views disseminated on this website are subject to change at any time and without notice. All information published on this website is not legally binding.

External linking

We also assume no liability for the content of externally linked websites. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Applicable law / place of jurisdiction

To the extent permitted by law, all legal relationships between the users of this website and Fiberjungle CORP (Fiberjungle AG) are subject to substantive Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Dietikon/ZH.

General Terms and Conditions for Service Contracts